I had friends, who discussed with me about the recent Equifax breach.

I had friends, who discussed with me about the recent Equifax breach. Having had my credit secured through the primary credit agencies several years back by the credit freeze process on my own, and utilized the free reports provided by various credit card companies as and when needed, I advised the same to my friends.

When it comes to some politicians making a big fuss out of making credit freeze free, it is only $10 per agency. The security supposedly that comes with it should be lot more, but it does not makes sense how it will be secure when the same credit agencies are losing the same info through security breaches. Further, in the social media world with all kinds of cookies, chocolates and biscuits out there, it does not make much sense to talk about privacy and security. More on this topic soon, part of wait and watch series.

By the way, I have an interesting story about how I had called these agencies for the freezing process several years back, and how my calls went to other countries that had no concept of credit system. This story is for later.

By the way, what is the value of credit when people repeatedly file for bankruptcies, and promote a fiscal policy of debt loading around the globe?

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